Bad Boy, Back in Town Read online

Page 9

  “Is it him?” Dan asked.

  “Yes. I’m sure of it.”

  “You sound secretive. Can he hear you?”


  “Okay, just listen. Keep him there. Our client is on the way. She should be there within the next half hour. When she walks through the door, she’ll hesitate while you make your way to the rest room. She wants to talk to Jason. It seems she’d like to give him a chance to return her stuff and not involve the law. Crazy woman, I’m guessing, still has a thing for him. You keep an eye out and if she gives you a nod, step in and keep him busy while she pretends to go to the little girls’ room and leaves the premises. Otherwise, keep an eye out and see what happens. Meanwhile, I’m coming in. I don’t want you left alone with him at this hour. He might be in a foul mood.”

  “You don’t need—“

  Dan clicked off. Damn.

  Jason seemed distracted by the door to The Silver Spoon opening, and as Kitt turned to look, a cloud of Calvin Klein’s Obsession preceded whoever was arriving. She knew the scent because Lionel had given her a bottle and whenever she wore it, he kept sniffing her. A little shiver travelled down her spine. He could be so annoying.

  It was dim in the entryway but she could see a man holding the door open while the woman flounced through, spike heels clicking on the tile floor. Every head in the nightclub turned expectantly…but the musicians started another number and many people turned away.

  But not Kitt.

  When they stepped forward into the light, she gasped.

  It was them. Rob and that bitch. What was her name? Kitt had heard him call her something. Suzanne? No…Suzette? Yes, that was it. Rob had some nerve, bringing her out after the way she’d talked to the woman he’d just made love to. Besides, he didn’t like the place. Did he?

  Wait a minute. Suzette? Oh my lord, was she Jason’s Suzette?

  He followed Kitt’s gaze.

  The woman with Rob threw up her hands and a smile lit her face. “Jay.”

  She must have spotted his red carnation.

  “Suzette?” Jason muttered. “With another man and he doesn’t look happy. Is it too late to take off my boutonnière?”

  “Wearing it in the first place was a hokey idea,” Kitt mumbled. Jason was right. Rob looked like he couldn’t decide whether to fight or flee. He pulled off a billed cap and was holding it down at his side…what was that all about?

  Dodging through the dancers, Suzette headed their way. Two feet from the table, she screeched to a halt. “You!” She shook a finger at Kitt. “You seem to be everywhere, you little tramp. What are you doing sitting with my date?”

  “I was here first. He sat with me. Besides, you came in with the man who was my date.”

  “What’s going on here?” Jason stood up. “You told me you couldn’t make it, Suzette, and I was merely enjoying this young lady’s company. She was alone, too.” He patted Suzette’s arm. “Bring your escort over, sit down, and we’ll sort everything out.”

  “What a charming idea,” Suzette said, in a scathing tone. “I came all the way here in a big rush, and you want the four of us to get chummy.” She stalked over to the bar and perched on a stool. Her wrap dress fell open and exposed a lot of leg.

  Rob had disappeared from view while the dancers waited on the floor for the next number.

  Kitt felt like she was watching a ping pong game. “Go ahead, Jason. I mean, Jay.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Why did you call me Jason?”

  “I don’t know. I…I just got mixed up. Now, go on and pacify her. I don’t mind.”

  He tapped his fingers on the table. “I’m not sure I like her disposition but I suppose I should give it a try. I would like to see you again under different circumstances, however.” He pushed a cocktail napkin her way along with a gold pen he took out of his breast pocket. “Give me your phone number and I’ll call you.”

  Kitt hesitated but jotted down her cell number. “It’s only fair you give me yours as well.” She gave him a coy smile and patted his hand, noticing for the first time a diamond ring he wore on his pinkie. Could it be Pamela’s?

  “You think you might call me?” He grinned broadly.

  “If I get lonely, would it be okay?” She leant forward and pushed out her lower lip.

  He looked down her top and licked his lips. “Well, sure. I wouldn’t want to leave you in need.”

  He took his pen back and picked up another napkin.

  “Don’t you have a business card?” she asked.

  “Not on me. Anyway, I don’t want you to call me at work.”

  Kitt watched him write. The ring he wore was heavy gold with a square cut gem and looked more like a man’s except for the size. Maybe it had belonged to Graham Patterson. Pamela’s deceased husband. Or maybe Lana let him wear dead Mr. Turner’s.

  He tore off the part with his number and gave it to Kitt. “This is my mobile. I only give it to special people. See you later, sweetheart.” He pushed in her chair and squeezed her shoulder, his fingers lingering.

  Kitt needed more than this connection but he’d already started walking away. She tucked his phone number in her bra as she saw Ginni approaching.

  “Sorry to take so long bringing your food. The cook charred your first burger and I didn’t want Jay to see it. He might have gotten bent out of shape. He’s not the owner or manager but he tries to act like it.”

  So that’s why he didn’t want Kitt calling him at work.

  “I had another prepared.” Ginni set another margarita down in front of Kitt. “Jay sent this and picked up the tab for your food.”

  Kitt had forgotten all about eating. This drink was in a tall glass and when Kitt sipped it, she thought it must be a double. What was on Jason’s mind?

  “Ginni, wait. Did you see where the man went who came in with her?” Kitt nodded to the bar.

  She shook her head. “I didn’t see her arrive.”

  Jason and Suzette were sitting knee to knee and she was smiling up at him like he was a god. “They deserve one another,” Kitt muttered.

  Ginni chuckled and started to walk away. “I did see the guy you were with earlier coming out of the restroom a minute ago. That’s not who you’re looking for, is it?”

  Chapter Seven

  Rob swiped a hand across his eyes. The scenario he’d just witnessed was screwing with his head. So that’s why Kitt wanted to come here yesterday and this afternoon. She was looking for him. The same guy, apparently, that Suzette wanted to meet since he was now joining her at the bar. What in hell did Mr. Debonair have that they found so attractive? What kind of jerk dressed like that and wore a boutonnière to come to a place like this? Seeing that Suzette had donned a carnation as well, Rob cursed under his breath.

  Stupid people watched too many movies!

  That SOB looked familiar but Rob couldn’t place why.

  Unless…son-of-a-bitch. He looks kind of like me before I shaved my head except he’s older and oily and…would Kitt settle for a lookalike? Rob stalked across the room towards her table. She’d just gotten a plate of food. He’d been going to take her to dinner but when Suzette appeared, she’d fled.

  How did Kitt get here? She didn’t have her car. She’d been riding with him.

  “Damn!” He slapped his forehead. She’d stolen his Vette. He didn’t even notice it was gone. He was so eager to fuck her, he hadn’t paid attention to where he left it. He always parked wherever the mood struck him, not in a certain space.

  He’d stashed his cap in the restroom storage closet. He didn’t want Kitt to know he was a chauffeur. What kind of success story was that? But Suzette paid him well and the job had given him a chance to come back to this area. He’d always wanted to return because of Kitt. But what in hell was she up to?

  “Where did your late date go?” he demanded, plopping down in the chair the other dude had vacated. “Isn’t he staying around for sloppy seconds?”

  Kitt smacked his face. Wham. So fast he felt
as if his head reeled. Rob grabbed her wrist afraid she’d do it again. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “Don’t try to shift the blame to me,” she huffed. “You’re the one who had a proprietary woman show up at your front door. And it seems she’s two-timing you. So she’s the one you should be angry with.”

  “I did not have a date with Suzette. She wanted me to drive her to meet him but wasn’t able to reach me. If you remember, I turned off my phone.”

  “She seems to think she’s your top priority.”

  “Maybe she does.” He shrugged and nabbed one of Kitt’s French fries. “Who is that guy anyway and how did he end up with you?”

  She slumped in her chair. “He’s the man that I believe bilked my friend. When he came over to talk to me, he asked if I was Suzette Whoever. I told him no but when he asked to sit down, I let him, so I could try to gain more information. Is your…friend…” Kitt’s tone was icy, “financially well off?”

  Rob dipped another fry in catsup and ate it slowly. “She appears to be but I don’t know how deep her pockets go. She’s still seeking work.”

  “Doing what?”

  If icicles could hang on words, those two would be loaded. “Not what you’re intimating. She’s an ex-model and cover girl. Unfortunately, age is a factor in those careers.”

  “Are you her pimp…I mean, her agent?”

  “Kitt! It’s unlike you to be sharp-tongued.” He chucked her under the chin. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”

  “I certainly am not.”

  He pinched her nipple and her mouth fell open. He laughed. “Your nose is growing, Pinocchio.”

  She chomped into her burger the way he suspected she’d like to bite his head off.

  “She was nasty.”

  “I know and I’m sorry. Is it okay if I order something and eat with you?”

  Kitt shrugged and Rob motioned the nearest waitress over.

  “I’ll have the same thing she’s having.” He gestured towards Kitt. The gal did a double-take. “I thought you were Jay. I mean I thought…” She kept her head down while she jotted on her order pad. “Coming right up.”

  “Wait. Bring the lady another drink and I’ll take a Bud and a shot of Wild Turkey.”

  “No,” Kitt said. “I already have one.” She turned to Rob. “You might want to warn your lady friend that Jason Terewski is a gold-digger,” Kitt said when she was gone. “Suzette’s cosying right up to him.”

  “I believe she thinks he’s an agent, although she might just want to get laid.” Rob shrugged. “It’s not my concern.”

  “What did you do with your cap, Rob?”

  “Cap? I wasn’t wearing one.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “Okay.” He sighed. “Suzette wanted me to wear a chauffeur’s cap to impress her new friend. I ditched it.”

  “She certainly has you wrapped around her little finger. You must care a lot for her.”

  “She’s not as bad as she comes across sometimes. We’ve known another for a long time. It’s never been anything romantic.” He snitched another fry. “It’s a good thing she drove her limo as someone stole my car.”

  Kitt gulped. “You should know better than to leave your keys in the ignition.”

  He dropped his head back and laughed. “How did you know I did?” He squeezed her knee. “So much for your career as a thief. You gave yourself away. The question is, why? What is it about this little mystery that intrigues you? Are you by any chance the woman he bilked? Or is she more than a friend to you? You’re not cheating on Li-o-nel with a femme fatale, are you, Kitten?”

  She stomped her foot on his. “Jackass. How dare you even suggest such a thing! I am not AC-DC. And do you actually think I’d date that guy? Look at him.”

  “I did. He looks like me, and if you couldn’t have the real Rob…” He grinned as he watched her frown deepen. He was having fun with this even if he wasn’t getting any answers.

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” She sat back while the waitress set down their drinks. “So maybe I like…playing detective.”

  “It’s risky, Kitten. You shouldn’t come out at night looking for a strange man.”

  “Rob…” Suzette swooped in on them. “I’m ready to leave.”

  “What about…?” He nodded towards the guy at the bar.

  “We have a date for dinner tomorrow night.” She patted her hair and waggled her fingers at Jason.

  Rob shrugged. “Goodnight, Kitt. I’m sorry but I need to go now. I’ll see you.” He raised an eyebrow, hoping she’d take the hint that he meant when she returned his Vette.

  “Why don’t we see your little friend to her car?” Suzette murmured, looking at Kitt. “It’s not safe for a woman to visit bars alone late at night.”

  Rob followed Suzette’s gaze to Jason who’d spun his stool around to watch their little scenario. He was going to close in on Kitt as soon as they were gone. He knew it and Suzette knew it, but did Kitt?

  “No, thanks.” Kitt shook her head when Rob repeated Suzette’s invitation. The moment they walked out the door of The Silver Spoon, Jason Terewski was going to come back to Kitt’s table. That was right in keeping with Dan’s plan. “I think I’ll stay for an after dinner drink.”

  She smiled and pretended to act totally innocent, pleased to watch both of them squirm. She’d been afraid Pamela would arrive while Rob was still sitting there and throw a wrench into everything. They both tried to scare Kitt, but she wasn’t the least bit worried.

  “Maybe we should wait for her,” Suzette said, tugging on Rob’s arm.

  “Kitt can take care of herself, and if that’s what she wants… I’m rather eager to get home myself.” He tapped his watch and raised one eyebrow again.

  Suddenly, she got it. He wanted her to bring back his car tonight so they could work things out. Or in… She couldn’t hold back the smile that spread across her face as she thought about Rob’s cock sliding in and out of her.

  His dimples twinkled as if he could read her thoughts and she felt the knot in her stomach and the ache in her pussy they always brought.

  Suzette let him lead her away and Kitt’s passion gave way to worry. What was it with that woman and Rob? He said there was nothing romantic between him and Suzette, and Kitt almost believed him. She couldn’t imagine him making love with a woman who ordered him around. But then, why did he do her bidding?

  Was Rob that bitch’s chauffeur? Her gigolo? Pimp? Kitt didn’t think he was in love with Suzette, but she wasn’t confident he wasn’t screwing her.

  Rob and Suzette didn’t talk much on the way home but just before he walked her to the door, which was required of him, he remembered something Kitt had said. “I heard that Jay is a gold-digger, Suzette.”

  “Gold-digger and my last name is Gold? How amusing.”

  “I mean it, Suzette. Be careful.”

  “And who gave you that morsel of wisdom? Your slutty little friend?”

  “Watch your mouth.” Rob tried to swallow his anger and felt his face turn red. “I…I think a lot of Kitt. We’ve been friends since high school.”

  Suzette touched the side of his face. They were standing on her front porch and the brass coach lights on either side of the door illuminated them. Rob knew the vein in his temple was standing out. It happened when he got really mad which was, quite rare these days. When he was a kid, he’d often got ticked off at his dad for not making more of his life and not providing better for his wife and kids.

  “You’re serious about her, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “You haven’t told her what you do for a living, have you?”

  “No, but there’s nothing wrong with what I do.” So why aren’t I proud of it?

  “She might not like your working for me. Most women don’t like their men servicing other women. Which reminds me… At least I know now why you turned down my advances.” Suzette smiled coyly. “It’s not my lack of appeal.”

  She thr
ust her boobs into his chest and rubbed up against his crotch. In spite of himself, Rob’s cock hardened. “Aha. You see?” She laughed gaily. “In case it doesn’t work out with her, you can call on me.

  “Meanwhile, as for Jay being a gold-digger, I can’t believe that. Did you see that Porsche out front of The Silver Spoon? It’s his. Does that look like he needs a woman with money?” A fancy car didn’t prove anything. Look at him. He frowned. Suzette had touched upon his greatest fear. He had to find a way to start anew. Soon. He couldn’t profess his love or propose to Kitt unless he had a more socially acceptable job.

  “Good night, my man.” Suzette squeezed his bicep.

  Rob cringed. Kitt wouldn’t be thrilled to learn he was Suzette’s ‘man’, a term that made him feel like dirt.

  She kissed Rob on the neck. “You can take tomorrow night off. See your girl if you want.”

  “I hope to hell Jay lays Suzette,” Rob mumbled as he drove away. “She’s hornier than the brass section of a marching band.” Smiling at his own humour, Rob checked the limo clock. He hoped to see his girl yet tonight. His mood changed when he looked at the time on the limo clock. He shouldn’t have let Kitt stay at the tavern ,but she didn’t give him much choice. She thought she could take care of herself and he hoped she could. If she didn’t show up at his place soon after he got there…

  Jason, still at the bar, was talking on his cell phone and frowning. After shoving it back in his pocket, he approached Kitt. “I’m sorry, sweet cheeks, but I have to leave. Otherwise I’d have rejoined you.”

  “Do you have to go right away?” Kitt’s heart raced. He couldn’t go before Pamela arrived. Kitt faked a pout. “Can’t you have just one more drink?” She patted the chair next to her.

  “I wish I could but duty calls. A friend of mine…is in the area and it’s important.”

  Did that mean Lana was back? Or had Pamela somehow got in touch with him?

  “I really would like to see you another time.” He pulled out a business card and handed it to her. “Here.”