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Bad Boy, Back in Town Page 7
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Page 7
Rob. Kitt twisted the ring on her finger. Lionel’s ring. Rob was the reason she’d refused to commit to him and she hadn’t even dreamed they’d ever meet again. Now that they had… Ohmigod, she’d forgotten. Lionel was coming. She had to stop him somehow.
He called the circlet she wore a pre-engagement ring and now that she and Rob were together—sort of together—Lionel’s appearance could ruin everything.
Kitt was waiting on the porch when Rob arrived. He was impressed that she was so eager. Before he could get out of the car, she strode down the front sidewalk.
“You’re right on time,” she said as she opened the door.
“I aim to please. Damn, you look hot.” Rob rubbed her leg as she fastened her seat belt. “Sexy!”
“Thanks. How was your evening at Gaylord Palms?”
Her words were clipped and he knew right off she was pissed, but he didn’t want to acknowledge it. “Is that any way to greet your long lost love?”
Chuckling, he slid his hand higher and leaned close. “A kiss would be nicer.”
She took a deep breath but she didn’t move her face towards his.
He pulled his Vette out from the kerb, listening to the purr of its engine which never failed to delight him. He didn’t see any reason for her to be mad, but she faced straight ahead, her back as stiff as a ramrod.
“Last night was nothing special,” Rob said casually. “I just hung out by myself while my friend had a business dinner.”
“You said ‘he and she’ or ‘she and he’. Which was it?”
“What’s that supposed to mean? They’re both the same. What’s up with you?”
“You know what I’m asking, Rob Harrison. Was your friend the man or the woman?”
She was jealous. Rob broke up.
She smacked him on the arm. “Stop laughing.”
“You are so jealous, it’s unbelievable. And after all these years.” He trailed his fingers up her leg, hoping to lighten her mood. “I like it that you care, but you don’t need to worry. I took a lady to meet a gentleman for a business dinner. And she is just a friend.”
“Why did she need you? Doesn’t she drive?”
Rob braked and swung sharply into the parking lot next to The Silver Spoon. “Almost missed it with the interrogation light shining in my eyes,” he said, sniggering. “The babes all need me, Kitten.”
She swung open her door as soon as the car was completely stopped. “I asked a simple question. For once, give a straight answer.”
Kitt flounced off ahead but Rob managed to reach the entrance first. ”No,” he said. “She doesn’t drive.” It wasn’t much of a lie. She had him take her almost everywhere. Not that she couldn’t drive herself.
Taking Kitt’s arm, he led her inside. He loved her wanting him for herself. “I’m staking my claim on you before another man does,” he said.
Drawing her close to his side, he rubbed a finger against the soft swell of the breast that pressed into his ribs. “Mm,” he said. “That feels nice. I’ll bet…” He pulled the neckline of her tank top out and peered inside at the two delectable globes. “I was right. They look good too. Good enough to taste.”
“Rob, this is no place to make me horny,” she protested, looking around.
“But it’s working, isn’t it, sweetheart? I’ll bet if I felt between your legs—”
“Stop talking that way. You’re right. I’m wet. But people can see us.”
“We could go someplace where they can’t. Black lace means you had something in mind. You wanted to see the place. Look around. Then we can leave. I want to see how those feel and taste.”
“We could at least have a drink.”
“You drive a hard bargain, lady.” Sighing he led her towards a cosy corner booth. The Silver Spoon was dimly lit but not as tacky inside as he’d likely led her to believe.
“Not there.” Kitt pulled him away from the table he’d chosen towards one near the dance floor within full view of everyone.
“How are we going to make out here?” he asked, squeezing her sweet ass before it reached the chair. “Of course, if you don’t care who’s watching…” Edging a hand under her, he took a handful again.
“Ro-ob,” she said, as if in protest, but smiling, she squeezed his leg as he pulled his chair closer.
He didn’t know if she was happy because she’d gotten her way or in anticipation of what they’d do later. Just thinking about that made his cock hard. He’d take her to his place and turn off the phone so Suzette couldn’t call.
A waitress in black satin shorts and blouse with sparkling rhinestone buttons wiggled her way across the room to take their order. Her hair was an unnatural shade of red and her pouty lips were painted black. Dana. He remembered her name. He hoped she didn’t remember his.
Rob watched Kitt to see if her radar went on. Dana wasn’t bad looking, just hard in appearance. “Beer?” he asked Kitt.
Their server answered instead. “I know you’re a whisky man. Wild Turkey, isn’t it?”
Damn. That’s why he’d tried to get out of coming here. He looked her straight in the eye. “I’d like a Bud.”
She blinked and he thought she got it. She looked at Kitt. “He really tied one on the other night. Let me guess. I’ll bet you two had a fight. Am I right?”
“Beforehand or afterward?” Kitt answered, nudging him. “I’ll have a Sex on the Beach with a cherry and an orange slice.”
“I meant before, but either one.” She shrugged. “I’m Dana and Sex is my favourite drink too.”
“That’s different,” Rob said as Dana departed. “The waitress is playing up to you.”
Kitt smiled tightly. “Now, who’s jealous? You can’t always hog the spotlight.” She sat back and looked around.
“I told you I had to work up the nerve to come see you.”
“The place is more upscale than you said.”
Shrugging, he followed her gaze. Black wooden booths with high backs and red leather upholstery offered privacy while tables and chairs in the same combination allowed a good view of the bar…and the painting. Hanging above the rows of liquor bottles that marched across mirrored shelves was a huge rendition of a scantily clad black-haired siren in a scarlet sarong straddling a silver spoon. “See, I told you,” he said, nodding towards it.
“It’s the picture of that woman that cheapens it,” Kitt said.
“Here you go.” Dana arrived with a tray and set two drinks in front of each of them. “Happy Hour with two-for-one drinks lasts until six o’clock. Just so you know.” She tapped her watch. “You’ll have time for another round or more if you aren’t too slow.”
“That’s quite a painting,” Kitt said, gesturing.
“Life-size.” Dana grimaced. “She’s full of herself, don’t you think?”
“Who is she?” Kitt asked.
“The owner of The Silver Spoon. Her name is Lana. Or so she claims. The story I’ve heard is that her mother named her Atlanta when she was born there, but when she married rich Mr. Turner who owned this place, she changed it to be the same as that of the glamorous movie star in old films.”
“Lana Turner,” Kitt said, nodding. “Clever.”
“Conceited if you ask me. She commissioned someone to paint her portrait and had it hung. Her husband was so much older, I’ll bet she got off on that spoon.” Dana laughed. “Or maybe she got it on with the artist.
“I’m surprised that after Mr. Turner died, she didn’t rename the restaurant Lana’s Silver Spoon. I think the only reason she didn’t is that another man swept her off her feet. From what I heard, she’d been seeing this guy for some time before her hubby croaked.”
“Was it the painter?” Kitt asked.
Dana shook her head. “She picked this one up at a car show.”
“You’re a fountof info, aren’t you, Dana?” Rob asked, wishing she’d go away. Who cared?
She blushed and Kitt nudged him. “Be nice, Rob. I find this all very interesting.”
br /> “Why?” he asked. She did seem to be mesmerised and that ticked him off further.
“Men never appreciate love stories,” Dana said, looking pained.
“It’s gossip,” Rob said. “Call it what it is.”
“It’s not just rumour. Most of it is fact. The guy had been living with another woman but he moved out and he and Lana took off together. She left the assistant manager in charge and said they were going to travel for a couple of months.”
Kitt leant forward like she’d just received a personal snippet on Angelina Jolie. “Do you know his name?”
Dana shrugged. “She calls him Jay. His last name must be Polish or Italian or something. It ended in ‘ski’ like some of those nationalities do.”
“What did he look like?”
“Stop salivating over gossip,” Rob said, gulping his beer. It wouldn’t take him long to move onto a second round.
“I never saw him. I couldn’t tell nationalities apart if I had. I work second shift. Barbara… Over there, getting ready to leave.” Dana nodded to a woman at the bar. “Works first shift and she said he used to come in ahead of the lunch crowd and get a BLT with a side order of fried eggs.”
Holding a hand up to her mouth as if sharing a secret, Dana went on. “She also said he was younger and better looking than poor Mr. Turner.”
A shrill whistle sent their server scurrying to another table where an overweight man sat red-faced. “This would be a nice place to start a restaurant,” he stated loudly.
“Poor Dana,” Kitt murmured.
“She should have known better than to stand around talking. And you…” Rob took Kitt’s hand and held it up to his lips. “You asked a lot of questions when there are better things to do with a mouth than gossip. Let me demonstrate.” He kissed each fingertip and returned to suck them.
Kitt’s breath grew short. “That is nice.” She cast a glance at the woman Dana had pointed out.
Rob whispered in Kitt’s ear, “I’d like a little of your sex on the beach, sweetheart.”
She held out her glass. “Have some. It’s really good”
“That isn’t what I meant. I’m talking about the real thing.” He put his hand on her thigh. “Although the drink does still have its cherry.”
“Rob,” she whispered, blushing. “You can’t expect me…”
“I know.” He caressed her crotch. She gasped and wiggled against his hand.
“Hold that thought,” he said, tracing her lips with his tongue. “We’ll finish our drinks and go to my place and satisfy our deepest desires.”
“Promise?” she whispered, leaning closer. “You won’t renege?”
He ran a finger inside the leg of her shorts and stroked the tender skin there. “I swear. Whatever you want, I’ll give you. Afterward, we’ll go out for dinner.”
“Wonderful.” Stroking his cheek, she looked towards the woman Dana had pointed out. She appeared to be headed for the door. “I can’t wait. But first I want to have a word with Barbara.”
“Don’t be silly. Nothing else comes first.” Rob reached higher and touched the lips of her pussy. Kitt closed her eyes as if she was about to swoon. “How long have we been waiting?”
“I know but this won’t take long. I’ll be right back.” She jumped to her feet and hurried across the room.
“Damn. What was that all about?” Rob stared after her. “Unbelievable.” He uttered a string of curses and motioned for Dana.
Kitt caught up with the waitress and took her arm. “Barbara?”
She jumped like a scared rabbit. “My goodness, lady. You frightened me half to death. Where did you come from?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to get away. I was sitting over there.” She gestured to the table where Rob was waiting.
“What do you want with me? Have we met?”
“No.” Kitt explained that she was seeking information about a man named Jason. “I think he might be the owner’s boyfriend and I came here hoping I’d be able to talk to him. Can you describe Jay, as I believe Lana calls him?”
“You’re not his ex-girlfriend, are you?” Barbara put her hands on her generous hips and narrowed her eyes behind pink-rimmed glasses.
“No. I’ve never met the man and that’s why I need a description. I want to make sure I have the right person before I approach him with some questions.”
Barbara kept looking towards Rob who Kitt saw with dismay was now drinking shots. Wild Turkey?
“You’re not from the IRS or with the police, are you?” Barbara asked. “Is he in trouble?”
“I assure you that I am not.” Kitt pretended not to hear the waitress’s last question.
“Oh, well. What do I care? He’s not the one that signs my paycheques. Funny thing is, he looks a lot like…” She waved her hand towards the table where Kitt had been sitting. “If that guy you’re with had dark hair that curled, I’d swear he was Jason.
“He and Ms. Turner have been on a trip but I understand they’re back in town as of yesterday. They didn’t show up this morning per usual, but if you hang around here long enough, you’re likely to see him for yourself. They’ll come in to lock up. We’re open until midnight but the kitchen closes at ten and sometimes I hear they show up in time to eat a late dinner.”
Rob stood when Kitt approached, downed his shot of Wild Turkey and hustled her out the door. “Why in hell are you so interested in the guy the owner is shacking up with?” he asked when they were on the road. “Are you after him for yourself?”
Kitt sighed. She’d known he was going to be ticked but she’d had to talk to Barbara. And the day waitress had given her a good lead. It was only a little after five o’clock so she couldn’t ask Rob to stay that long. He’d get drunk for sure. “Now, who’s jealous?”
“So I deserve to be.” He waited. “Well?” he demanded.
“I think he’s the man that jilted a…a friend.” She didn’t say whose friend and it was as close as she could come to an explanation. “He took her for quite a bit of money.”
“And what do you plan to do about it, Madame Detective? Ask him for it back or make a citizen’s arrest?”
The ‘detective’ reference startled Kitt and Rob’s smart-mouthed tone got under her skin. Her face burned. Even her ears grew hot. She felt underhanded, not levelling with him about her work. “I will let my…uh…the friend know his whereabouts so she can seek justice.”
Rob had been staring straight ahead, eyes glued to the road, but he turned his head sharply to look at her. Then he burst into laughter.
“I forgot. You’re Ms. Fix-it, caretaker of the underdog. Champion of people’s rights. You were always worrying about me. I thought you were going to take on Principal Yeager if he didn’t expel Crocker for hitting me.” Rob rubbed a finger over the scar by his eye.
Kitt exhaled and grinned. “I should have. A two-day suspension wasn’t punishment enough.” She had been so angry, she’d have taken on Crocker herself if he had gotten off scot-free. A cut in the area of the eye bleeds profusely and she’d cried when she came upon the scene and saw blood pouring down Rob’s cheek.
“Good old Kitt. Remember when you were caught passing a note that someone wrote and took the blame?”
“Do I ever! It was Kathy Mays who wrote it and she was so timid, she’d have died if she got chewed out in class. But I had my regrets when my parents were notified. Dad believed me that I didn’t write it but I got grounded for a week anyway.”
“Turned out she wrote it to you.” Kitt pinched Rob’s arm. “She wanted to take you to the sophomore dance. Ms. Kerrigan wouldn’t believe me that I didn’t write it. She said she knew I had a crush on you. Kathy just signed her initials. K.M.”
“Same as yours. Kitt Maxwell.”
By the time they’d reached the condominiums where Rob lived, laughter and reminiscing had restored his good humour and Kitt was glad. She didn’t want anything to spoil this day. It seemed like she’d been waiting her whole life for Rob to
make love to her.
He unlocked the door and, heart pounding, Kitt looked up into his beautiful eyes and smiled. “I thought this day would never come.”
Chuckling, Rob swooped her into his arms and carried her over the threshold. “It’s here, baby, and ‘coming’ is the name of the game.”
Chapter Six
How long had she waited for this moment? Kitt nuzzled Rob’s neck and giggled happily as Rob set her feet down on the plush carpet.
He waved an arm to encompass his living room. “What do you think?”
Hearing the pride in his voice, she squeezed his arm. “It’s wonderful, Rob. You must love it here.”
She loved the way he’d carried her through the door. She belonged in his arms.
She missed the warmth of his body against hers since he’d stood her on her feet.
“Damned sight better than any place I ever dreamed of living. Take off your shoes. The carpet feels wonderful under your bare feet.” He kicked off his loafers.
Kitt did as he suggested. “It’s yummy,” she said. “Everything is beautiful. Did you choose the furniture yourself?”
“I got a little help.”
From whom? On second thought, she didn’t think she wanted to know. All she wanted right now was to make love with him. But he was like a small boy showing off his new two-wheel bike. “Do you want to show me around?”
Rob did a double-take. It was as if he suddenly remembered why they were there. A grin spread across his face. The tiny glint of gold that lined one front tooth shone. His twin dimples flashed. My lord, he was sexy. He rubbed a hand over the shadow of hair on his head. “Not now. Later, maybe. Now I want only one thing. Or maybe two.”
Laughing, he swept her up again and strode down the hall to a beige and blue bedroom. Laying her on a king-sized bed, he stripped off his white T-shirt while sweeping her body with a hungry gaze.
Kitt couldn’t take her eyes off him. His chest was a work of art. Tanned, with nipples that begged for her touch. Muscles rippling in his arms. A perfect six-pack. Narrow waist. He held her gaze as he unfastened then dropped his jeans.