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A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) Page 4
A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) Read online
Page 4
“I thought you might be out with your fiancé,” Angel went on. “Or is he there? If this isn’t a good time to talk, you can call me back.”
“Now is fine. He’s already left.” As usual, Angel was acting thoughtful. Erin didn’t want to talk any time, but now was as good as any, she supposed. The night was already ruined. “Congratulations on your wedding news.” Erin tried to sound cheerful but even when she felt that way, she never sounded as joyful as her cousin.
“Thank you so much. I’m really very…lucky…to find someone like…him.”
Some of the sparkle had gone out of Angel’s voice. Erin, slapping her pillow to fluff it, sat taller. “He’s the fortunate one if you’re the same person you used to be, and I’m sure you are.”
“Thank you. I really have missed you, cuz. We always had such good times together.”
“Yes, we did.” Erin picked up the glass from the wine Mitch had brought her and walked downstairs to refill it. Looking into a mirror she passed, she found the seduction outfit now looked tawdry. “Tell me about your fiancé.”
“He’s tall, dark and handsome. Seriously. Anyway, the reason I called is that I’d like you to be my maid-of-honour. Or matron. Whichever you call a divorced woman.”
Ouch. “Are you sure, Angel? You must have lots of close friends. Don’t feel like you have to ask me.”
“No, I don’t. I mean I really want you, but I don’t have close friends. I’m not sure why, but people don’t take to me. It’s been that way with females all my life, and since I’ve been grown, men don’t seem to either.”
Erin thought she knew why, but she didn’t want to have this conversation. How could she tell her cousin that she was so sickeningly sweet, people thought she was a phony?
“I’m sure that’s not true. You’re just modest.”
“Will you be my bridal attendant, please? I have a wedding to plan in a short time.”
“Okay. That is…I’d be honoured. What colour gowns are the attendants wearing?”
“You’re the only one, except for a flower girl, and I’m having blue and yellow for my colours. So you can choose which you want for your dress. In fact, you can choose your gown. Or better yet, why don’t you and I go shopping together? It’s been such a long time since we did. I haven’t bought my wedding gown and you can help me pick it out.”
Something wasn’t right. Angel and her mother were best friends, unlike Erin and hers. Barbara once compared Julia and Angel to Siamese twins. That might be another reason she didn’t have close friends. Hanging out with your mom all the time scared off peers and lovers. Why wasn’t Julia eager to help her only daughter select a wedding dress?
“Please, Erin. Say ‘yes’. We can meet at a shopping centre. I’ll find out which ones have bridal boutiques and we’ll shop and have lunch together.”
Angel was all bubbly again and Erin couldn’t stand it. She’d lost Mitch and her chance to save face by attending her cousin’s wedding with a fiancé, as well as all hope for married bliss of her own. She felt desolate and a day of looking at wedding dresses was more than she could take.
“I’m sorry, Angel. I just can’t. Between my fiancé and business, my every waking moment is filled. Plus, “she added, feeling a flash of excitement, “Joey is coming home for the summer and I want us to spend a lot of time together.”
“Back to square one,” Erin announced. Sitting down behind her desk, she slumped in her chair. “I need a man and a diamond ring.”
“I cannot believe you broke up with Mitch,” Lea said. “Not that I think he was Mr. Right, but you were sure he was.”
“I’m in shock myself, but if he never wants to marry, I might as well forget him now rather than later. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life dating. Besides, you were right. We’re not suited. Mitch pointed that out himself and I see it now. Even the sex isn’t as good as he had me thinking.”
“Now I’m not surprised you broke up,” Lea said. “I accused you of being obsessed with sex or marriage and Mitch just struck out on both counts.”
“You could have asked him to Angel’s wedding and gotten him to pretend,” Margo said.
“He isn’t worth it.” Now that she was over the sorrow, she found herself angry with Mitch.
Hearing an engine nearby, Erin stood to look out the window. The Wives-R-Us office stood on the edge of her lawn and a sleek black car had pulled into the circular drive in front of her home. A boy jumped out of the passenger side and a man climbed out from behind the wheel.
“It’s Joey,” she exclaimed, rushing towards the door. She never knew what Joseph would be driving and hadn’t recognised the car. “His dad’s brought him home from school. I didn’t think they were coming until tomorrow.”
She ran outside to meet her son. Seeing her, he slowed his steps and she smiled. He didn’t want to be caught acting too eager to see his mother. “Sweetheart.” She leaned over to hug him. It seemed like such a short time since she’d had to kneel to put her arms around him. “You grow more every time I see you.”
“Hey, Mom.” He gave her a quick squeeze and a big smile.
He’d inherited his father’s build. Thank heavens. She’d worried when he was born and only six pounds, eighteen inches long, that her son would be tiny like her. But he was tall for an eleven-year-old and quite handsome. His hair was dark like hers but he’d gotten his father’s eye-colour—a bluish grey instead of Erin’s ‘sparkling green’ that Joseph hoped their child would inherit.
“I’m glad you’re home, Joey. I’ve missed you.”
He looked around and she noticed then that his dad had moved close by.
“Hello, Erin.” Joseph stepped forward and took her hand. “He told me on the way here that he wants to be called ‘Joe’ now.”
“Yeah. Joey sounds kiddish, Mom. I hope you don’t mind.”
She pulled her hand away from her ex to ruffle her son’s hair, and he ducked his head. Did he worry about it getting messed up? Realising there was gel on her hand, she knew he did. “You’re growing up too fast…Joe.”
“There’s something else we talked about,” Joseph said. “You want to tell her, Joe, or would you like me to?”
“I will.” His eyes shone. “Dad wants to take me on a Mediterranean cruise. How cool is that!”
Erin’s heartbeat accelerated and her knees grew weak. “For how long?” She directed her question to his father.
“A month,” Joey said. “Right, Dad? We’re going to see a lot of countries.”
“Whoa. We need your mother’s approval before we can say for sure.”
“I’d looked forward to having him home.” Her mouth was dry and her words could barely be heard.
“I’ll still have three weeks here when we get back before I start school.” Joey’s eyes pleaded with her. “We’ll bring you something. Right, Dad?”
“Sure. Whatever she wants.” Joseph’s gaze met hers and she could tell he felt her pain. He touched her arm. “I’m sorry. I know I should have talked to you first. But he’s at the right age for this and when I picked him up today, I got so excited that I couldn’t wait. It’s a great opportunity that fell in my lap through the company.”
“When do you leave?” Erin asked, folding her arms to her waist. The early June day suddenly seemed cool.
“Day after tomorrow. I’m scheduled to make the trip one way or the other so I didn’t have a choice. I miss our son too, you know.”
“Can I go, Mom? Please.”
For old time’s sake, Erin knelt to hug him. “I wouldn’t want you to miss it, Joey…Joe.” Tears wet her eyelashes but she blinked them away. “We’re going to have to take you shopping.”
“Thanks.” He kissed her on the cheek and she dared to kiss him back.
Grab on while you can, Erin.
Erin felt bereft. Everyone was leaving her. She had sent Mitch packing and now she and Joseph had actually packed Jo
ey’s…Joe’s…bags. Would she ever get used to calling him that?
“If he needs anything else, I’ll get it for him while we’re travelling,” Joseph said, zipping their son’s new luggage. Joe had taken more interest than usual in shopping. As a rule, he hated it. He hadn’t even complained about trying on clothes.
They’d spent half a day buying him things. It had been the first time she and Joseph had done anything together since their divorce, but with their boy along, it hadn’t seemed awkward. Joseph was particular about clothing and had always gone shopping with her for Joey’s.
This afternoon while they worked on getting him ready, their boy had wandered off to park himself in front of the large screen TV in the den, and Erin and Joseph had experienced a few awkward pauses when left alone together.
“Are you seeing anyone?” he suddenly asked her.
“I was, but we broke up,” she replied, hating the finality of those words. “That will make it harder having Joey…Joe…gone.”
“I’m sorry, but if it makes you feel any better, you did the right thing for him, letting him take this trip. It will be an education in itself, Erin.”
“I know.” She suddenly remembered she still didn’t know if he played baseball. There hadn’t been time to ask him. Not that it mattered as much, with Mitch out of her life. Tired, she sat on Joey’s bed beside his suitcase.
“Are you dating?” she asked.
“Occasionally, but no one special.” He settled beside her and laid his hand over hers. “You’re the only woman who’s ever been special, and I rushed in here and put you through a lot of grief getting Joe ready to travel. Let me make it up to you, Erin, by taking you and Joe to dinner. You look worn out.”
“That’s certainly flattering,” she said, stretching her neck to see her reflection in the mirror over Joey’s dresser. She did have dark circles under her eyes.
“You always liked dressing up. It will make you feel better. Where would you like to go? Name it and I’ll take you.”
She was wearing khakis and a plaid shirt, and dinner at a nice restaurant with her husband and son as if they were a real family again sounded appealing. She didn’t want to go anywhere they’d been together before.
But it wouldn’t bother her to go where she’d gone with Mitch. And that would give her a chance to see Derek again, and she needed that chance.
Chapter Four
“Blue and yellow are fine. Don’t worry so much.” Derek was talking to his fiancée on his cell phone when a couple walked in with their son. It must be the Fox family that had reservations for three people, so he had to sign off. “Whatever pleases you is okay with me.”
She’d phoned earlier when he was too busy to talk, and he’d called her back, as promised, during that lull towards the end of Happy Hour when the after-work drinkers were leaving and serious diners hadn’t yet arrived.
Now, the early arrival of the Foxes was going to cut their conversation short again. Mr. Fox was glaring at him.
He was dressed impeccably, and his impatience was as evident as the quality of his clothes. Derek could usually spot a tailor-made suit by the fine detail and perfect fit, and the brand of shoes the gentleman—he checked the reservation he’d jotted for a first name…Joseph—wore were expensive. Derek knew because he owned a pair.
He spoke into the phone. “I am not disinterested in our wedding plans. I was just trying to ease your mind. Look, I am truly sorry but I have to go now. I have customers that just arrived.”
It wasn’t likely that Joseph Fox was often kept waiting. However, Club Rendezvous didn’t employ a hostess nor did they take reservations. Derek had taken this one out of curiosity.
“I love you, too,” he said. Just as he clicked off the phone, a server spotted the waiting threesome and greeted them. He’d tried to hurry his fiancée, but… Derek sighed.
Maybe it was just as well. The only person he could see was the man. The other two were standing behind him. He’d taken this reservation for one reason and didn’t have his answer yet.
When the man told the server he had arranged for a table by phone, she looked to Derek, who pointed to the corner booth and a ‘reserved’ sign he’d hurriedly made.
He’d learned that ‘Fox’ was Erin’s last name from her Wives-R-Us card. He wanted to see her again even though he knew he shouldn’t. He had in fact told himself he wouldn’t, but he’d pulled her card out of the trash and stuck it away in a crevice under the bar, just in case. When Mr. Fox called in, Derek knew it was a slim chance that it would be her, but he’d taken the gamble.
She’d discreetly left him her business card, as if to say ‘get in touch with me’, and then moved into a booth with Mitch. And that’s when he threw it away. He was committed to someone else and she had a boyfriend.
But as he watched her cuddling up to him, jealousy and anger made him pull it out of the trash. A conniver who would give a strong hint to one man and act like that with another might deserve to be taken to bed under false pretences. Derek had close to a month of bachelorhood left and a burning desire to fuck Erin Fox at least once. He didn’t know why he was so attracted to her or why his desire was so strong. All he knew was that from the moment their eyes first met, she’d become a compulsion.
Joseph stepped aside to let the lady go first. Derek’s breath came fast and his pulse pounded. It was Erin, and she motioned a boy to precede her. The three of them looked for all the world like a family. Surely she wasn’t married.
Where they were seated, Derek could see her and the boy but not the man, and he was glad. She looked heavenly in an emerald dress that matched her eyes. The boy had dark hair the same as hers and was a handsome lad. Derek wanted kids but the doctors said that wasn’t meant to be. So he’d tried to accept that but sometimes…
Erin looked straight at him, smiled, and he got a hard-on. He turned away but couldn’t resist stealing glances. The boy was sitting between the two of them and Erin was more focused on him than the man. They could be her brother and his son, but it seemed unlikely. Recalling that the words on the business card said ‘three ex-wives’, he thought she could have remarried and been seeing Mitch on the sly, but coming into Club Rendezvous with him wasn’t too secretive. So perhaps this was her ex and their boy. Did couples do that? Get together for the sake of the kids?
Derek should have written her off when he’d seen the way she’d been shamelessly trying to seduce that guy Mitch, but he wanted to hold her just once. No, that wasn’t true. He wanted to fuck her at least once. It would be foolish to pursue her with his marriage coming up soon but he couldn’t ever remember wanting something…someone… so badly. He’d dreamed about her every night since he’d laid eyes on her and thought about her every day. Erin Fox.
He didn’t know what his fascination with this lady was, but after agreeing to throw his life away as an act of kindness, he decided he deserved that much. But with another man and a child in the picture? Derek poured himself a double scotch over rocks. What now?
Erin didn’t know why Derek wouldn’t look at her when they were at Club Rendezvous. Surely he could have figured out that she was with her ex-husband and they were together only because they were taking their son to dinner. It probably wasn’t that unusual for couples with children.
She’d have gone to the bar and explained the situation but she couldn’t because of Joe. He was at that age where he was aware of relationships, and making matters worse, Erin discovered something she’d never before suspected. He wanted his mother and dad to reunite. It was the first time the three of them had done anything together since their divorce, and their son had seen it as the beginning of a reconciliation. If she’d known that would happen, she’d have eaten with Joey alone somewhere.
Joseph, foolishly enough, seemed to play along with him. Maybe he wasn’t playing. Perhaps he was serious. He’d asked to come in for a nightcap and Joey…Joe…announced that his own
father didn’t have to ask. Then Joseph suggested the three of them play a board game they used to enjoy and now, here they were…
“Your move, Mom. Stop daydreaming,” Joe said.
Chinese Checkers wasn’t her favourite game but it didn’t take a lot of concentration, so when Joe suggested it, Erin had agreed. “What time are you two leaving tomorrow?” she asked.
“I’ll have to pick Joe up at 5:30 a.m.,” Joseph said.
“Then after this game, we’d better quit so everyone gets adequate sleep.” She ruffled her son’s hair and this time he didn’t duck away. “You need rest for this exciting trip,” Erin said.
“I can sleep on the plane. We have to fly before we get on the ship. Right, Dad?”
“True, but your mother’s correct. You’ll want to look out the windows of the plane and maybe watch a movie. You won’t want to snooze,” Joseph said.
Joe groaned but he won the game with his next move and they gathered up the marbles and put away the board. “Why don’t you spend the night, Dad?” he asked.
Erin, who was just moving towards the door prepared to let her ex out, stiffened. “He has to get things at his place. Don’t you, Joseph?”
“My packed bags are in the trunk of the car. So, I could. It’s half an hour to the country house for no reason.”
“Joe, why don’t you go brush your teeth?” Erin said.
He looked suspicious but went.
“Why don’t you want me to stay, Erin?” Joseph asked, drawing her close. “Are you afraid we might be tempted to fuck until my hard cock inside your pussy makes us both come?”
“That’s not going to happen.”
He pressed his hard-on against her and rubbed it over her pubic bone, making her shiver. “Are you sure?” he asked as he pushed his erection hard against her clit. “You want me, don’t you?”
“Joseph, don’t. Okay, so we might be tempted,” she said, gasping. “But we can’t. Joe already thinks we’re getting back together and we mustn’t mislead him. I don’t want to get his hopes up.” She stepped back so they were no longer touching.