A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) Read online

Page 10

  “Bad man,” she said, swatting him.

  “You’re fun.” He pinned her arms to her chest. His fingers grazing her breasts made him forget about holding her still, and he wrapped his hands around those bewitching mounds. Lowering his head to suckle one and then the other, he had no problem rising to the occasion with an erection that ached with its hunger for her.

  Laughing, she grabbed his ass cheeks tightly and pulled him against her curly mound, clasping his cock between her thighs. “Gotcha.”

  “I’ll get you,” he growled, rising on his hands and knees and rolling her onto her back.

  Her blue eyes were so dark with passion they looked violet. She wet her lips with her tongue. Quickly donning a rubber, he lay down with her again and, his penis throbbing more than ever, he plunged it inside her.

  “God, that feels good,” she gasped. “You feel good. I love having your hard cock inside my wet pussy.”

  “That’s it. Talk dirty to me.” He traced the curve of her mouth with his finger and she contracted her muscles, squeezing his erection, smiling mischievously. “You’re asking for it, lady.”

  “You’re right about that, mister.”

  He rolled them so she lay on top of him. “Your turn for domination,” he said, chuckling, as he raised her by the hips and drew her down once more onto his rigid cock.

  “Yahoo,” Erin said, pretending to twirl a lasso. “Ride ‘em, cowgirl.” She slapped him on the thigh and began riding him hard and fast.

  “Whoa. You’re going to make this a short fuck if you keep that up.”

  She slowed her motions but her eyes were glazed and her lips parted. She looked so damned sexy. He lifted and lowered her so his shaft rubbed her clit and she moaned. He did it again and she planted her hands on his chest and began to ride his cock again.

  She was breathing hard and fast. “It feels so great,” she gasped. “I have to…”

  “Okay. You’re at the reins. Whatever you say.” He closed his eyes and met her bounces with thrusts of his engorged penis. She was right. The feeling was great. Better than that. It was…indescribable.

  She sped up and the sensations mounted. He wasn’t going to last…he felt her first spasm as she cried out, and he grasped her fine ass tightly. His climax rocked his body and he held her close until his shudders ebbed. “Oh, baby. You. Are. Magnificent.”

  He kissed her face, her neck, her breasts and she embraced him, her body slick with perspiration. The aroma of sex bathed the air, and they held one another tightly for a very long while.


  Nothing relaxed Erin more than a pedicure. She loved sipping a glass of Chardonnay and listening to soft music while the pretty Vietnamese girl massaged her feet and toes. Lila spoke little English so she didn’t try to carry on a conversation, and Erin liked using the time to think. Lila liked the generous tip she received and they’d created a pleasant relationship.

  It was an upscale salon with a soothing atmosphere. Fresh flowers graced the manicure stations and their fragrance wafted gently on the breeze from the palm leaf-shaped paddles of the ceiling fans. Erin, seated in the vibrating massage chair with her feet in gently swirling water, sighed. Life was good. Derek was great.

  This was the first pedicure she’d had since they’d met, and eyes closed, she could see him… his dark hair with an errant lock trailing down on his forehead, hot whiskey eyes and a heart-melting smile. When he arrived after a night’s work, his jaw shadowed with a light growth of beard, he looked so masculine, so sexy and so totally hot, she couldn’t wait to feel him inside her. Last night had been terrific.

  Her nipples hardened just thinking about it, and she was glad she’d worn a loose blouse over her tank top. She’d left it open but it hid the peaks that were pressing against the closefitting fabric. Summer seemed to have arrived overnight. The days had grown hot and wearing shorts and sleeveless tops on Saturday mornings was a pleasure. The heat shouldn’t come as a surprise since it was nearly July, but time had passed quickly.

  Erin usually mused over fashions or plans for Joey while sitting in the massage chair at La Boutique having her toenails polished. But today, she had something more urgent to think about. Angel is getting married soon and I haven’t asked Derek to the wedding yet.

  She wanted him for her escort. She wasn’t procrastinating about that, but things were going so smoothly between them, she’d kept hoping their relationship would pick up speed and he’d declare his love for her. From there, it was a short leap to a proposal, and voila, an engagement and a fiancé to show off, along with an engagement ring, at Angel’s wedding one week from today.

  She’d visualised it happening, but it hadn’t. True, they’d only known one another a short time, but they were right for one another. She loved him and she was almost certain he loved her. She leaned her head back against the massage chair, opened her eyes and wiggled her toes in the whirling water while taking a deep breath. Time had run out.

  She’d ask him to the wedding this evening when they were together. She couldn’t imagine that he’d refuse but if he did protest, saying he hated weddings or he had to work or something else was a problem, she’d explain how important this was to her. She’d confess she’d gotten herself into a bind by telling her mother she was engaged to stop her nagging, and Derek would laugh and tease her over getting caught in her ruse.

  Being the nice guy he was, he’d give in and agree to go with her. He’d ask someone else to work for him or do whatever was needed to make it possible. They’d attend the ceremony together and have a lovely time pretending to be the next couple to walk down the aisle. Angel was having a church wedding and reception with cake and punch, but afterwards, Erin and Derek could go to a nice hotel for a candlelight dinner and champagne. With no reason to hurry back home, they’d pretend it was their wedding night and rent a room. Wait. Not just any room.

  She’d surprise him by booking the honeymoon suite and they’d order more champagne and maybe some sinfully rich chocolate dessert. And then they’d sip the bubbly liquid and lick chocolate off one another’s fingers and lips. Then they’d move onto tasting of a more thrilling sort with her eating chocolate frosting off his cock and Derek lapping champagne from her pussy. Just imagining how tantalising that would feel, Erin squirmed against the massage chair.

  Their night together would be so hot and heavenly that Derek might suggest a real honeymoon sometime soon. Delighted at the thought, Erin chuckled aloud.

  “You happy today, Ms?” Lila asked.

  Surprised by Lila’s question, Erin opened her eyes and smiled. “Very happy.”

  “You must be in love,” Lila said. Smiling, she ducked her head.

  “That’s right,” Erin declared, charmed by the gentle girl’s shyness. “I am in love.”

  She pushed the button to reset the massage chair and leaned back again. After their wild, passionate fucking with her on top last night, Derek had held her close without saying anything. She was quiet too, revelling in the wonderful relationship they had and their fantastic sex.

  She might have blown it by not asking him to the wedding then, but everything seemed so right and she felt their love so deeply, she hadn’t wanted to spoil the moment. And as she lay there, stroking his body, playing with the hair on his chest and farther down, he’d gotten hard again and taken her into his arms…

  He’d started out gently, tracing the lines of her mouth, her face, her breasts and on down to where he palmed her curly mound, slipping his thumb and finger inside her pussy, he rubbed her clit between them. She caught her breath and, throwing her arms over her head, clutched the pillow. He worked the hard nubbin between his fingers rhythmically, creating a magic that drove her into a frenzy. “Derek,” she whimpered. “Derek.”

  Pushing his fingers deep inside her, he found her G spot, and Erin arched her back and cried out. “Ohmigod,”

  Derek was breathing hard as he repositioned himself between her eagerly spread legs and pushed gen
tly forward, sliding his rigid cock along the length of her cleft, skimming across her vagina then pushing against her clit. “You’re wonderful,” she whispered.

  He lay against her, still for a moment. “We’re wonderful together.”

  His voice sounded choked, and she wrapped her arms around him, wondering at this show of emotion.

  He started thrusting then, in and out, in a slow rhythm that grew faster and more fervent and she gave into the passion that wrapped itself around them whenever they fucked. His penis stroking her in all the right places set her blood racing and her breath coming rapidly. The coiling tension in her loins tightened, and her fluids started to flow just as he climaxed. He cried out and she clung to him, thrilling at the feel of his cock throbbing inside her.

  “I love you, Derek,” she whispered as he held her tightly, her pussy and his penis convulsing until they’d squeezed out the last drop of cum. The words wouldn’t stay inside her heart any longer.

  Derek had grown quiet soon after that and dressed quickly. Erin had asked if he was tired and he’d said he was and the late nights were bound to catch up with them both. He’d kissed her hard, held her close, then jogged to his car and took off.

  Surprised by the suddenness of his departure—he usually lingered over goodnight kisses—she’d wondered why he’d been that desperate to get his shuteye. But when she’d arisen this morning, still yawning, she’d thought he might be right that they were sleep deprived.

  However, after her brisk Saturday morning walk and latte, she’d felt refreshed and decided he would be feeling rested too. And tonight he would be himself again. She smiled and, aware she was wearing her emotions, opened her eyes to see if Lila was looking, but she was intent on polishing Erin’s toenails with Ripe Cherry, Erin’s favourite shade.

  Closing her eyes again, she resumed her thoughts. Derek hadn’t mentioned plans for tonight but if he was off work, he’d come up with something fun for them to do, and if he had to tend bar, he’d come over afterwards. That had become their routine. Either way, she’d wait for just the right moment and ask him to the wedding. It would be fun to go together as ‘an engaged couple’, which would call for displays of affection and, perhaps for once, she’d win approval from her mother. Erin was certain Dior wouldn’t be half as sexy or handsome as Derek.

  That reminded her, she hadn’t heard from Angel since that one whiney phone call. Erin hoped things were going better and that she was as deliriously happy now as a prospective bride should be. Maybe she should get in touch with her cousin and see if there was anything she wanted Erin to do besides show up. And bring a gift. She hadn’t thought to buy one and of course, she had to take something.

  After tipping Lila, Erin, her Ripe Cherry toenails sparkling in the sunlight, sashayed off to a jewellery store that she knew carried lovely silver pieces. And while she was there—she chuckled gaily—she might as well take a peek at diamond solitaires. She couldn’t very well expect Derek to provide one.


  Erin, tired when she arrived home, kicked off her shoes and set the silver fruit bowl she’d bought Angel and Dior on a table where she could admire its elegance while she sipped a glass of wine. She’d picked up the mail on her way in and was delighted to find a postcard from Joey. He didn’t have much to say except that he’d see her soon. It was signed, ‘Love, Joe’.

  She still had trouble calling him that. She missed her son but time had passed rapidly once she started seeing Derek. She wrinkled her forehead in thought. Joey was due home the early part of next week. She’d check the calendar later for the exact date.

  Reaching for her purse that she’d dropped on the end table, she pulled out a small bag that held a blue velvet box. Opening it slowly, her fingers trembled and her breath grew shallow as she raised the lid to reveal a flawless, full-carat diamond. It was breathtaking.

  The phone rang and she hastily slipped it on her left ring finger before snatching up the phone, eager to hear Derek’s voice.

  “Hello, Erin.”

  It was Mitch and, frowning in disappointment, she politely told him she was seeing someone else. The conversation was short and, seeing by the crystal table clock that it was past seven and Derek hadn’t called, she thought he must be on his way over to her place. He always phoned during the lull prior to seven when he was working, so he obviously had the night off and would show up soon. She brightened in anticipation.

  Wondering what activity he had in mind for the evening, she hummed a little tune, sprayed on some cologne and fluffed her hair. Reluctantly returning the ring to its box and tucking it back in her hand bag, she lit the candles in the wall sconces and curled up in a chair to wait. She couldn’t expect Derek to produce a ring for the event and she could explain to him why she’d bought one. It could be returned later and traded in on a nice dinner ring.

  By 8:00, she was growing uneasy. Why hadn’t he shown up or at least called? Had something happened? At 9:00, she rang Club Rendezvous.

  George answered. “He’s not working and he didn’t come in for dinner. I thought I heard someone say he’d left town.”

  Left town? Erin thought she was going to faint. Or die. Her heart hammered so hard, she could feel the throbbing in her ears. She broke out in a sweat and, clutching her chest, tried to regain her control. George must mean he’d ‘gone’ out of town…for a reason. It wasn’t like he’d leave for good. He wouldn’t leave without telling her. Unless there was some kind of family emergency. She didn’t know a lot about his family, except his parents were visiting his sister somewhere in California, awaiting the arrival of a new baby. Had his sister miscarried? Was there something wrong with the infant?

  Erin had never been to Derek’s apartment but he’d said it was near the restaurant and not in a particularly nice part of town. The area was old and rundown but its proximity to the club and neatness of the interior had sold him on it. The place was comfortable and suited him, he’d said. Another time, he’d mentioned the name of the street where it was located, and she’d driven around looking for Highland Boulevard.

  She’d found it was only a block long with businesses on one side and two-story houses on the other, but she didn’t know which one Derek lived in. If she did, she’d go looking for him. But it was pitch dark and it wouldn’t make sense to venture into a strange neighbourhood alone. Besides, she wouldn’t find him at home unless he’d passed out or fallen and hit his head or grew deathly ill.

  She had to stop thinking that way or she’d go crazy. But why hadn’t he called? She was almost hysterical when the doorbell rang. Thank God. Ready to fall into his arms even though he’d given her an awful scare, she tore open the door.

  “Surprise!” Joey, laughing aloud, threw his arms around her in a big hug.

  Erin burst into tears.

  Chapter Nine

  Derek found the Fairchild place without any trouble. Angel’s directions and the Jag’s navigation system led him right to 1411 Cloverdale Drive. The white frame house had a full front porch with a swing hanging from the ceiling and a green wicker settee and chairs. It looked homey and he could imagine Angel growing up there.

  The door stood open and she appeared behind the screen door in a blue sleeveless dress, her hair tied with a ribbon atop her head. It was a hot day and Derek was sweating, but not because of the heat. Unable last night to tell Erin the truth and see her love turn to hate, he’d lain awake for hours trying to decide the right thing to do. Near dawn, he’d made up his mind. He would tell Angel he couldn’t go through with the wedding because he was in love with someone else, and with that bond broken, he’d be free to profess his love to Erin, the woman he coveted.

  Angel Fairchild was a sweet girl who deserved better than a man who didn’t love her. He and Erin deserved more, and after he’d called off the wedding, he’d go back and confess everything. With all that straightened out, if she really loved him as much as he thought she did, she’d surely understand the turmoil he’d gone through a
nd forgive him.

  Meanwhile, he couldn’t just take off, so he’d phoned her last evening—late because he’d been moving his belongings out of the apartment back to his house—and told her he’d been called away for the weekend and would explain later.

  Joey had just gotten home, and Erin’s voice was husky like she’d been crying. Knowing how emotional some people could get, though, Derek had assumed she was overcome with happiness to have the boy back and hung up, relieved. The timing was right. With her son around to keep her busy, she should be okay until he called off the wedding and returned.

  “Darling,” Angel cried out as Derek strode up the front walk.

  A woman and man stood behind Angel on the front porch—her parents, he assumed—and he gave her a hasty kiss for their benefit.

  “Sweetheart,” she said, smiling. “I’d like you to meet my mother, Julia, and my father, Walter. Mom and Dad, this is my fiancé.”

  “We’re delighted to meet you at last, Dior,” Julia said.

  Darling? Sweetheart? And now Dior? Stunned and confused, Derek looked at Angel and she pursed her lips in a silent ‘shh’.

  Julia pressed his hand between hers. “Sit down and I’ll bring out some lemonade and we’ll have a nice visit.”

  “Mother, we don’t have time,” Angel said, looking at her watch. “We have to get our marriage license before the office closes at noon and right after that, we have an appointment with the pastor.”

  “Oh, dear.” Julia wrung her hands. “We’ll chat over lemonade when you return. I might even bake some cookies.”

  “Please don’t bother. You know I’m not eating sweets right now, and anyway we won’t be coming back to the house. We haven’t seen each other in so long, D— We need time together.”

  Angel’s father had already disappeared into the house when they turned to leave.

  “We’ll meet you at the restaurant for dinner,” Angel added.

  Derek hadn’t thought about needing a license—a legal, binding document. Feeling dazed, he helped Angel into the car and took his place behind the wheel. “Why did your mother call me Dior?” he asked, turning the key in the ignition.